Support to CSOs
Since inception, the prime work of Bihar Voluntary Health Association is to provide continuous support to all its network members through several means.
Capacity Building of CSO Personnel
BVHA’s prime focus is to build capacity of senior management staff, midline project and management staff, and field level staff in organizations on various public health issues, project formulation, monitoring, organizational management, etc., as per their need and requirements. BVHA’s expert training teams are being hired by other organizations on request basis.
Assist in Project Proposal Formulation
Many CSOs are grassroots organizations with very little exposure and capabilities to formulate project proposals as per present proposal development trends. BVHA is assisting them in proposal development, data collection, data analysis and report preparation as per their need.
Development of Communication Material
BVHA has expertise in the development of various communication material. As BVHA has good liaison with government offices and networking with other development actors, it procures communication material from them as per the need of member organizations.
Knowledge and Information Dissemination
Most of the network members are from remote areas and have little access to current information about different government orders/notifications related to NGO management, statutory compliances, foreign contribution, Niti Aayog, etc. When such circulars come from concerned government departments, BVHA circulates them to its network organizations and also supports to them to comply with them. BVHA also publishes quarterly newsletters covering relevant information on various statuary/legal compliances of CSOs, health and development related information, and case studies of network organizations to showcase their achievements.