BVHA is a member of Collective Coalition against Human Trafficking in Bihar. It is CCHT divisional secretariat for Patna division, which includes Bhojpur, Buxar, Rohtas, Kaimur, Nalanda and Patna districts.
The project activities consist of meetings of the CCHT core committee, as well as meetings of members of the District Level Core Committee with various government authorities and stakeholders involved in child protection and child trafficking concerns. More than 50 children have been rescued from human trafficking by members of the CCHT core committee in Patna division’s six districts.
Under the CCHT, each divisional convener and district convener was assigned the task of forming at least four AHT (Action Against Human Trafficking) clubs with the participation of students from high schools and colleges.
As a result, BVHA has established four AHT clubs at Xavier’s Institute of Management and Technology, Patna Women’s College, BIT Meshra, and Patna University’s Department of Social Work. Each AHT club consists of 15 to 20 students, with a mentor who is a concerned teacher.

Funder: Collective Coalition against Human Trafficking (CCHT)
Coverage Area: Patna Division that comprises six districts: Patna, Nalanda, Rohtas, Bhojpur, Buxar and Kaimur
Thematic Area: Child Trafficking