Brief History​
Bihar Voluntary Health Association (BVHA) is a non-profit making organization established in 1969. It is an association of 129 Civil Society Organizations, charitable hospitals and health centres and more than 300 associated non-member organizations covering Bihar and Jharkhand States.
BVHA was formed by a visionary leader Fr James Stuart Tong SJ and Medical Mission Sisters with a noble vision to assist in making community health a reality for the people with priority to the less privileged millions. It got registered in February 1970 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860 at Patna, Bihar. Since inception it is working on improving health and wellbeing of people through promotion of community health.
BVHA seeks to increase organizational capacities of member and network partner organizations and address health and social needs of the communities. It is one of the pioneer members of Voluntary Health Association of India. It is contributing immensely by providing impetus and direction to the community health promotion in Bihar and Jharkhand.
In its formative years, BVHA dedicated its efforts to fortifying the expertise of charitable hospitals and health centres which are working in remote areas. Also, BVHA played a pivotal role in assisting during natural calamities. As time unfolded, BVHA expanded its scope by initiating various interventions to address the unique healthcare necessities of marginalized individuals within society. Beyond this, BVHA empowers and enhances the capacity of CSOs to meet the health and societal requirements of their respective communities. undoubtedly, disaster response remains a paramount commitment for BVHA.